AW June Update
📖 Let us begin…
First off, let me thank everyone for the patience as we are working hard behind the scenes. I know it doesn’t have a lot of glitz and glamour but the less we have to worry about the glitz and glamour the more we can accomplish in the long run. So thank you.
SwagWagon is LIIIIVE!
With SwapWagon you can now trade any major token from any blockchain for $ATK! As most of you knew this was a big hump for us to overcome as we needed an easy way for people to get $ATK to use in our ecosystem.
We will also be collecting fees from SwapWagon that will be sent out as an income source for landholders.
So why is this a big deal? SwapWagon is a big deal because of what it means for all of our future products. The ability to easily swap tokens into $ATK is something we will utilize throughout the ecosystem. When someone jumps into the Arcade and wants to play a game but currently doesn’t own any $ATK that is ok. We will take tokens that they do have and(in the background) convert them to $ATK. We will also be able to accept tokens from different partner projects so that their users can play games customized to them. These of course are all things we have talked about before but wanted to bring up again.
So go to and start swapping today!
Many of you have asked is it time for v1.5? No. Not ready yet. SwapWagon was a big piece of that but we still have some more work to do to release v1.5. We would be further along but these issues we have had in the arcade fixes have taken much of our focus the past few weeks. We will go over what we are currently working on in the Arcade section.
We’ve gone over the details of how v1.5 works in former blogs but if you have questions never hesitate to ask.
As many of you already know, we took down the arcade and were hoping it would only take a few weeks to get things fixed. While we have fixed most of the issues there are still a few that we are fixing now and these have proven to be a much bigger undertaking than we originally assumed. We will however get the Arcade back up and running this month and are excited to start building towards 1.5 once again. I am not putting a hard date on the rerelease yet as I need to make sure the issues are fixed before I give a hard date as not fixing the issue by said time just let’s people down.
Arcade as an infrastructure is our play for blockchain integration into gaming. We already have a good product and one that can bring us what we need. We just need the world to see what it is capable of but that takes a fully functional product. Thank you for the continued patience as we get this ready for the world.
Let’s continue to celebrate each of our victories knowing that each one gets us one step closer to success!
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Thank you
I’d like to let everyone know that we are not going anywhere and plan on continuing to work hard to make this product into one of the best game projects in web3. Thank you to everyone that continues to push the project and help where they can. Keep supporting and keep being awesome.
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