Schools of Magic!
In a world full of magical abilities, it can be difficult deciding where you belong. Lucky for you there are a few options to pick from!
In 1950, the mathematician John Nash proved that in any kind of game with a finite number of players and a finite number of options — like Rock-Paper-Scissors — a mix of strategies always exists where no single player can do any better by changing their own strategy alone. This being said, we’ve designed the Schools of Magic to be like “Rock-Paper-Scissors” meaning no matter which school you will pick, there will be an even playing field, no one school is “better” than another. Now that’s not to say that creating a guild with different types of magic won’t be beneficial, on the contrary it will benefit you having a strategy with different players playing different roles. This is where the Guilds part of Scrap Guilds come into play, with your team you can strategize what schools will work well together to beat other scrappers!
Magic Types
There are 5 Magic Types in Scrap Guilds. We use a rock-paper-scissors type mechanic for which magic types are better against other types.
Divine Magic
Life SubMagic — Light SubMagic — Wrath SubMagic
Divine Magic comes from the gods of the expanse. Ancient ones and dead ones alike. Divine magic can be used for healing, smiting and other cosmic energies.
Arkane Magic
Nature SubMagic — Fire SubMagic — Ice SubMagic
Arkane Magic contains more of the elemental magics. Harness the power of fire in order to increase firing rates, freeze opponents and their tools, or restrain movement, ally with the forces of nature to wield powerful magic.
Death Magic
Shadow SubMagic — Spirit SubMagic — Eldritch SubMagic
Death Magic deals with the afterlife. Whether that be speaking to the dead and requesting their assistance or sending others to meet deaths embrace. Mystery shrouds much of the possible power that lies in Death Magic.
Control Magic
Charm SubMagic — Enchant SubMagic — Illusory SubMagic
Control magic is the most deceptive of all the magic. Used by many for trickery, bewitchment or escape. Fool others with holograms of yourself, charm military vessels into friendship or enchant asteroids to explode.
Null Magic
Dispel SubMagic — Void SubMagic — Counter SubMagic
Null magic itself is caused by absence of magic, time, and space. Used primarily defensively. Null magic is used to cancel out other ship parts magical effects.
Magic in Space?
Magic is not restrained by the normal physics of the galaxy and therefore is able to be used anywhere, in any place, at any time.
How does it work?
These highly advanced technological parts are imbued with magic which allows for certain buffs to parts depending on the part class and what they see as important and profitable.
Which Magical class will you and your Guild pick? Will you create a strategy to become the best Scrappers in the Expanse? We look forward to seeing you join us!